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This ^ have to believe the skim coat would crack at some TigerFan92 STL 11/8 123808 this is exactly why my woodpaneled basement is painted Joeboo MU 11/8 123856 I had some faux wood paneling that was glued to the dryway kmawv8 MU 11/8 133710.
Pull any nails from the surface that will receive the skim coat Fill in the holes with joint compound Cover any cracks in plaster walls by scrapingHow To.
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What is good mud for skim coating. Drywall Talk
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Wash and sponge walls with clean water When water gets dirty do it again with clean water When dry sand off all loose paper as best as possible Apply a coat of Drawtite sealer or Gardz sealer to paper When that dries a coat of oil base Kilz When all is dry you can skim the wall with the mud of your choice.