Script Virus Notepad. This is TRULY the ULTIMATE FAKE VIRUS using Notepad in a Windows computer This took me LITERALLY forever to make and I hope you find ways to prank.

Copy and paste the following into Notepad Set shell=CreateObject (“wscriptshell”) ShellRun (“Notepadexe”) Set shell=CreateObject (“wscriptshell”) ShellRun (“MSPaint”) Set shell=CreateObject (“wscriptshell”) ShellRun (“CMDexe”) THIS WILL OPEN Notepad Paint and CMD Save it as Openervbs and enjoy.
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A funny and a Harmless Virus that continuously eject CD/DVD drives – A VBS trick This is anContinuously type a message at any writable place on screenVBS Trick You want to hackMatrix Falling Code Effect – Notepad CMD (BAT) Tricks One of the most famous andOpen Notepad continuously – Bat file Want to play with your friends head by continuouslyMake a Personal Diary(Log) with Notepad (Easter Eggs) Do you guys need to maintain a log.
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This kind of Prank Virus is easy to create with notepad and a few lines of simple code Follow these steps Step 1 Writing Sample Code 1 Open Notepad or Notepad++ Here is the code to generate a message box on a windows computer X=MsgBox (“Message Description”0+16”Title”).
Creating advanced Antivirus with Notepad ~ IT & Make Money
Copy dan paste script virus sederhana di atas ke Notepad Oh iya kamu bisa ganti bagian warna merah dengan katakata sesuai selera lalu save dengan nama VirusOrangJelekvbs 7 Virus Kuis Semua orang suka kuis apalagi kalo berhadiah Tapi kamu bakal kesal deh pasti kalo setiap kali mau buka komputer ternyata yang nongol adalah kuis Ya kan?.
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