Resep Kue Kamir Pekalongan. Kamir roundshaped bread that almost similar to apem consisting of flour butter and egg mixture Krechek spicy stew made from skin cracker potato and soy beans Mi koclok (lit shaked noodles) a chicken noodle soup made of chicken broth and coconut milk soup which is coagulated with corn starch or tapioca.

Lima Puluh Resep Masakan Rumahan Terfavorit Home Cooking / Endang Inriani Endang Inriani Kawan pustaka 9789797576615 6415 IND h [22] 6415 269 Aku Anak yang Berani Bisa melindungi Diri Sendiri 2 10 Cerita + Tips Mencegah Kekerasan dan Bullying pada Anek/ Watiek Ideo Watiek Ideo PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama 9786020326788 0285 WAT a [22] 0285.
dispersip Pemerintah Kabupaten Pidie
Soto (also known as sroto tauto saoto or coto) is a traditional Indonesian soup mainly composed of broth meat and vegetables Many traditional soups are called soto whereas foreign and Western influenced soups are called sop Soto is sometimes considered Indonesia’s national dish as it is served from Sumatra to Papua in a wide range of variations.
Mau Buka Puasa Dengan Kue Khamir Begini Cara Bikinnya Okezone Lifestyle
Javanese cuisine Wikipedia
Wikipedia Soto (food)