Pro Vice Chancellor. A provicechancellor (or pro vicechancellor PVC) or deputy vicechancellor ( DVC) is a deputy to the vicechancellor of a university In the older English universities and Commonwealth universities following their tradition PVCs were typically academics who took on additional managerial responsibilities for a limited time alongside their regular teaching and research.
Bob Nichol Pro Vice Chancellor Research And Innovation At University Of Portsmouth The Org from
The ViceChancellor is assisted by a maximum of five ProViceChancellors with whom institutional leadership is shared Each of the ProViceChancellors has distinctive portfolios in a particular area such as resource management research and international strategy The Senior ProViceChancellor leads the team but all the PVCs have a high level of committee involvement and engage closely with the Heads of the six Schools and the major nonacademic institutions of the University.
Pro ViceChancellor (Research)
Professor Louise Bracken was appointed to the post of Pro ViceChancellor for Research in August 2021 Before joining Northumbria University Louise was the Deputy Vice Provost (Research) (DVPR) at Durham University Professor Bracken joined Durham University as a lecturer in 1999 following the award of her Geography BSc from Leeds University.
Provicechancellor Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
Definition of provicechancellor a deputy appointed by the vicechancellor of a British university on his election.
Bob Nichol Pro Vice Chancellor Research And Innovation At University Of Portsmouth The Org
Provicechancellor Wikipedia
Pro ViceChancellor
University of Cambridge The ProViceChancellors
The Provice chancellor is responsible for overseeing the academic direction of the university The main responsibilities vary according to the institution and the number of Pro VC’s within the institution Each Pro ViceChancellor caters for a different section of the university’s interests (Academic Learning and Teaching etc).