Lontong Tuyuhan Lasem. Lontong Tuyuhan Sisi Lain Kuliner Pecinan Lasem By Endy Poerwanto July 29 2018 715 0 LASEM JATENG bisniswisatacoid Memburu kuliner lontong tuyuhan adalah keharusan bila sedang di Lasem sebuah kota pecinan kuno di Kabupaten Rembang Jawa Tengah (Jateng).

Menurut sejarah dulunya para penjual lontong tuyuhan memakai pikulan saat berkeliling kampung ke kampung hal ini dilakukan para penjual lontong untuk penyamaran ketika terjadinya perang Lasem pada tahun 1734 Yang menjadikan ciri khas lontong tuyuhan sampai saat ini adalah bentuk lontongnya yang tidak berubah.
Lontong Tuyuhan, Sisi Lain Kuliner Pecinan Lasem Bisniswisata
Kuliner Lasem Lontong Tuyuhan (Astri Apriyani/ renjanatujucom) Tempat makan yang ada di Desa Tuyuhan Pamotan ini selalu ramai pengunjung Karena itu juga ia cepat habis Maka dari itu jangan terlampau sore jika ingin menikmati lontong ini Di sini juga saya pertama kali mencoba minuman khas Lasem yaitu Es Sirup Kawis Rasanya agak unik tapi enak.
Lontong tuyuhan Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Lontong tuyuhan salah satu makanan khas daerah Rembang yang sudah dikenal banyak orangDisebut lontong tuyuhan karena pembuat dan penjual makanan ini dari Desa Tuyuhan Kecamatan PancurIngin tahu rasanya datang sendiri di pusatnya di tepi jalan desa beraspal jurusan LasemPandan tepatnya yang melintas di Desa Tuyuhan.
Menguak Sejarah Makanan Khas Rembang “Lontong Tuyuhan
7 Wisata Kuliner Lontong Tuyuhan Bagi penikmat wisata kuliner wajib hukumnya icipicip kuliner khas Lasem yang satu ini Lontong Tuyuhan namanya Sejenis opor ayam kuah kuning beraroma rempah yang disajikan dengan irisanirisan besar lontong Tuyuhan merupakan nama sebuah kawasan tempat menu ini berasal Murah meriah dan dijamin kenyang.
Lontong Tuyuhan Sisi Lain Kuliner Pecinan Lasem Bisniswisata
Dikunjungi Saat di Lasem, Rembang 8 Tempat Wajib
Wisata Kuliner di Lasem? Ini Daftarnya! — Kesengsem Lasem
Sepiring Lontong Tuyuhan dan Sisi Lain Pecinan Lasem Travel
Things to Do in Lasem: Batik, Latoh, and Everything in
Where to Stay in LasemOther ThingsWrapping Things UpI stayed for two nights at Lasem We stayed at the Fave Hotel in Rembang about half an hour from Lasem With a hotel chain like Fave the good thing is that you already have an idea of the hotel quality Fave Hotel in Rembang was okay However with the location of the hotel right in front of the Rembang city square it will be a bit of a problem for people who are light sleepers There are several days in the week where there are parties in the square So it will be crowded and noisy until late at night An alternative to Fave Hotel is Rumah Oei Omah Idjo and Rumah Merah They are all located in Lasem Trembesi Tree It is difficult not to love a big tree! If you are planning to visit the tree I recommend you come early in the morning or around 4 pm During the middle of the day the sun is too strong to take good photos I don’t know the exact location but I’m sure a local guide can bring you to the tree The Mangrove and Salt Home Factory We visited the mangrove for a picnic and ate Sate Srepeh The walk in the mangrove jungle was nice We got to see the salt factory Gudang Garam too! Rumah Oei I mentioned Rumah Oei earlier It is a great place to stay in Lasem Rumah Oei is a hotel a restaurant and a small private museum I love the fact that a lot of local youngsters hang out at this place Outside of the things and places I mentioned above there are several places that I think would be interesting to visit as well The sites are Lawang Ombo Pesantren Al Frustasiyah Omah Tegel Lasem Rumah Batik Kidang Mas and some more Klentengs Bao An Bio and Gie Yong Bio Lasem has a lot to offer as a tourist destination Please remember that Java coastal’s climate is hotter than noncoastal regions such as Yogyakarta Solo etc Try to visit when it’s not too hot I hope I provided you with enough good ideas on what you can do or see in Lasem ???? Are you planning to visit Lasem anytime soon? Have you visited Lasem before? Share your opinion and questions in the comments below!.