Lightning Spell Vs Air Defense Chart. You were able to destroy 16% of the air defences’ hit points with a 6% spell meaning 16% falls under the threshold This will not work with a level 6 air defence doing the same thing because there would be 20% left 1050 (420×2)= 210 (210/1050)×100= 20%.

New lighting spell vs air defense | how to use the new lightning spell | coc how to destroy air defenseNew lighting spell vs air defense | how to use the new.
Using Earthquake and Lightning Spells to Destroy Air
Never use more than 1 Earthquake Spell on the same building! The damage decreases each time! If you dropped 7 Earthquake Spells on an Air Defense this would be the result So if you’re looking to destroy a specific defense always combine it with Lightning Spells When you use it don’t place the Earthquake Spell in the middle of the Air.
Lightning Spell Clash of Clans Wiki Fandom
OverviewSummaryStrategyFile{{{Alt}}}|28px|link=]] “Weaken Walls and buildings with crippling earthquakes! Earthquake Spells damage structures based on their maximum hitpoints Repeated Earthquakes deal decreasing damage to the same buildings but increasing damage to the same Walls No Wall can withstand the might of four Earthquake Spells!” Text under Missing air defenseMust include.
Lightning Spell Clash of Clans Guide
Zapquake Clash of Clans Calculator Zapquaker Air defense (level 12) 1600 x 3 9 ( 3 / 11) Show more Air sweeper (level 7) 1050Missing lightning spellMust include.
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Zapquake Clash of Clans Calculator Zapquaker
Lightning Spell vs *JUNE 2021* Exact Air Defense Chart
Lightning + Earthquake (Zapquake)
Wiki Fandom Clash of Clans Earthquake Spell
ZapQuake Strategy of Clans Home Village Guide Clash
Lightning Spell Spells: Elixir Clash of Clans Home
Can 2 lightning air defense? spells take out
[ASK] lightning spell chart : ClashOfClans
Master the Earthquake Spell Guide AllClash Mobile Gaming
Strategy Guide: New Lightning Spell Explained! House of
7 power spells 660 damage So 2 lightning spells can take 8 levels of air defense but must be placed directly above the air defenseRing the Bell’ to turn o.