Lego Logo. The Lego LogoDesign Elements of The Lego LogoThe Popularity of The Lego LogoThe first LEGO logo was introduced in 1934 It was a rather uninspiring design though with the words LOGO spelled out in an ordinary black font Over the years the logo would undergo several iterations before the company settled on the logo we are now familiar with within 1972 Besides a brief touchup in 1998 to make the logo better suited for online display this red white yellow and black logo has been the face of LEGO ever since The LEGO logo features the word “LEGO” spelled out in an original bubbleshaped font known as “LEGO Font” The letters are white but are surrounded by thin borders of black and yellow and are set against a red square background It’s thought that this background – specifically it’s the shape – is a nod to the company’s square blocks that they are famous for The font of the logo is meant to be soft and lighthearted Its rounded edge bubble shape conveys an idea of fun and levity that represents the brand itself Perhaps most importantly the logo is designed to be eyecatching When LEGO introduced their latest and current version of the logo they decided to make it noticeably more substantial than previous versions They also employed bright attentiongetting colors such as red and yellow For products marketed to children having an attractive display is especially important Children aren’t the most discretionary of consumers and a flashy presentation is often all it takes Branding has been crucial to LEGO’s success While they may have been the first to produce plastic toy blocks they were certainly not the last In addition to Lego’s creative innovation their brand recognizability has helped set them apart from the competition and their logo plays a big role in this regard As LEGO has expanded into other markets its branding strategy has become increasingly important Not many movies and video games based around plastic toys would work very well yet the name LEGO carries a sense of fun for younger audiences and a sense of nostalgia for older ones It’s thanks in part to this that LEGO’s transition into media entertainment has been so wildly successful Of course the iconic LEGO logo is used to mark all of LEGO’s movies and video games associated with the brand Today LEGO’s popularity continues to grow as the brand keeps finding new ways to entertain its customers Thus the LEGO logo has become one of the most recognizable logos of all esp.

This logo is still at http//webarchiveorg/web/19970615085550/http//wwwlegocom/legalhtml now Official website.
LEGO logo Brickipedia Fandom
In 1934 the first logo was created by the LEGO Group It was used on correspondence shipping labels and other printed materials but not on toys Starting in 1936 an ink stamp “LEGO Fabriken Billund” was used on the wooden toys This logo was first introduced in 1939 or 1940 It was used.
Evolution of the LEGO logo Logo Design Love
LEGO’s first logo was very unlike its modern emblem It featured the company name written in a black serif font The design was used in business correspondence and on transportation vehicles In 1936 LEGO started to mark its toys with the words “LEGO Fabriken Billund” Clean and concise the logotype resembled an inky imprint.
Lego Logopedia Fandom
The red white yellow and black LEGO logo is synonymous with one of the world’s largest toy manufacturers but it didn’t always look so familiar Photo by Faiz Zaki in Putrajaya Malaysia The story began in 1932 when carpenter and joiner Ole Kirk Kristiansen established his business in the village of Billund Denmark manufacturing stepladders ironing boards stools and wooden toys.
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The LEGO Logo and Its History LogoMyWay
Red: History of LEGO Logo Logaster From Black to
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LEGO System A/S DK7190 Billund Denmark Must be 18 years or older to purchase online LEGO the LEGO logo the Minifigure DUPLO LEGENDS OF CHIMA NINJAGO BIONICLE MINDSTORMS and MIXELS are trademarks and copyrights of the LEGO Group ©2021 The LEGO Group.