Jainism And Ecology Nonviolence In The Web Of Life. In Jainism the ultimate goal of life is to achieve the liberation of soul from endless cycle of rebirths (moksha from samsara) which requires ethical living and asceticism Most of the austerities and ascetic practices can be traced back to Vardhaman Mahavira the twentyfourth “fordmaker” or Tirthankara who practiced 12 years of asceticism before reaching enlightenment.

Sramana 2013 07 Jain Quantum jainism and ecology nonviolence in the web of life
Sramana 2013 07 Jain Quantum from Jain Quantum

His life and likely background are variously inferred from his literary works by different biographers There are unauthentic hagiographic and legendary accounts of Valluvar’s life and all major Indian religions as well as Christian missionaries of the 19th century have tried to claim him as secretly inspired crypto) or originally belonging to their tradition Little is known with.

Asceticism Wikipedia


Sramana 2013 07 Jain Quantum

Thiruvalluvar Wikipedia
