Ikan Monodactylus Argenteus. Ikan Mono / Mono Fish Ada dua jenis ikan mono yaitu Monodactylus sebae dan Monodactylus argenteus Perbedaannya yaitu pada panjang sirip dan warnanya Mono sebae memiliki warna dasar silver dan bergaris hitam pada bagian kepala dan badan ada warna kuning di bagian sirip atas berbadan pipih dan memiliki sirip yang lebih panjang.

Adults bright silver with yellow and dusky dorsal fin tip Small juveniles more colorful with yellow over most of the dorsal fin and two vertical black bands over the head (Ref 48636 ) Fins yellow except pectoral translucent Eyes large mouth small (Ref 90102 ).
Ikan Mono (Monodactylus argenteus) Ikan Mono aka Monodactylus argenteus awal diidentifikasi oleh Lineaus tahun 1758 Ikan mono adalah ikan yang mempunyai distribusi yang benarbenar besar Mereka ditemukan di Laut Merah di sepanjang pantai Australia Afrika Timur serta di semua Asia Tenggara Mono argenteus tak tercatat pada IUCN Red daftar.
Mono Argentus (Monodactylus argenteus) Tropical Fish Keeping
The Mono Argentus is a diamondshaped silver in color and has two black stripes on the front half of the fish The dorsal fin has a yellow tint with a black outline The Mono Argentus grows very large and requires an aquarium of at least 50 gallons.
Monodactylus argenteus Wikipedia
Mono Sebae (Monodactylus sebae) are collected from the mangrove swamps and estuaries of West Africa Gambia the Canary Islands and Senegal to Angola Mono Sebae are found in fresh brackish and marines environments and are also known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the African Moony.
Monodactylus Media Encyclopedia Of Life
Mono Sebae (Monodactylus sebae) Tropical Fish Keeping
20 Jenis Ikan Hias Air Tawar Asli Indonesia dan Asal
Sebae in Freshwater Monodactylus Argenteus &
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Mono Fish, Moonfish, Monodactylus argenteus, Silver Moony
Ikan Mono atau Monodactylus argenteus Dunia Akuarium
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Common Names List Monodactylus argenteus
Jual Ikan Monodactylus Argenteus Jakarta Utara
Cantik Untuk Aquarium Air Tawar ( KIRAYA: Ikan Hias 1 )
Mono Argentus (Fingerfish): Brackish Freshwater …
– Ferboes.com Ikan Mono Africa Dan Mono Medan
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Ikan Monodactylus argenteus YouTube
Monodactylus argenteus (Linnaeus, 1758) GBIF
Common names of Monodactylus argenteus n = 119 See Market names Common Name Used in Language (Dialect) Type Official Trade Name Akoli India Malayalam Vernacular No Almindelig månefisk Denmark Danish Vernacular No Bat hu Malaysia Malay Vernacular No Bawal perak Malaysia Malay Vernacular No Bawalbulan perak Malaysia Malay Vernacular No.