Hotel Larasati Bandungan. Amanda Resort Hotel Bintang 2 Pertama di Bandungan sudah sangat banyak perusahaan yang memakai tempat ini Dengan Luas 4 hektar sangat cocok untuk kegiatan Pelatihan dan Meeting Kapasitas mencapai 200 orang dilengkapi ruang meeting luas Untuk info dan booking dapat menghubungi 083899161661 Kawasan wisata Bandungan berjarak 30.
Hotel Puri Larasati Bandung Booking Dan Cek Info Hotel from Pegipegi
Hotel Puri Larasati is 10 minutes’ drive from Gedung Sate historical site and is 20 minutes’ drive from Kiara Condong Train Station Husein Sastranegara International Airport is a 45minute drive from the property At Hotel Puri Larasati guests will find a 24hour front desk and a garden Other facilities include meeting facilities laundry and ironing services are offered at a charge The.
Hotel Puri Larasati σε Bandungan, Indonesia Lets Book Hotel
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PURI LARASATI HOTEL Reviews (Bandung, Indonesia
At Wisma Puri Larasati Hotel every effort is made to make guests feel comfortable To do so the hotel provides the best in services and amenities While lodging at this wonderful property guests can enjoy 24hour security convenience store daily housekeeping 24hour front desk WiFi in public areas.
Hotel Puri Larasati Bandung 51 likes 8 talking about this Hotel.
Hotel Puri Larasati Bandung Booking Dan Cek Info Hotel
Hotel Seluruh Indonesia HOTEL DI BANDUNGAN AMBARAWA ~ Info
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Rp 211.485) 10 Hotel Terbaik di Bandungan (Dari
Hotel Puri Larasati Bandung 2 star hotel The 2star Wisma Puri Larasati Hotel lies within 25 km from Cihampelas Walk The property comprises 19 rooms There is.