Hernia Ingunialis. CausesSymptomsRisk FactorsTreatmentWhen Is It An Emergency?SurgeryRecovering from SurgeryAn inguinal hernia is caused by a weakness in the muscle of the groin It can be present at birth due to a small muscle defect or can develop over time Repetitive straining to have a bowel movement can cause a hernia as can straining to urinate as often happens with prostate problems1A chronic cough from lung disease or.

Inguinal hernia is a pathology in which due to the weakening of the wall of the abdominal cavity the part of the peritoneum and internal organs fall into the inguinal region in women the disease usually develops after 40 years This condition brings a lot of inconvenience to a person and can lead to serious consequences.
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Differential diagnosis of the symptoms of inguinal hernia mainly includes the following potential conditions Femoral hernia Epididymitis Testicular torsion Lipomas Inguinal adenopathy ( Lymph node Swelling) Groin abscess Saphenous vein dilation called Saphena varix Vascular aneurysm or.
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Inguinal Hernia: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments
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Inguinal Hernia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
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Inguinal Hernia: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
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Inguinal Hernia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment
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Inguinal hernia in women: symptoms and treatment
Hernia Inguinalis Gejala Hernia Inguinalis Hernia inguinalis sering kali tidak disadari Saat mengalami kondisi ini penderita umumnya Kapan harus ke dokter Segera pergi ke IGD di rumah sakit terdekat jika hernia mulai berubah warna menjadi merah ungu Penyebab dan Faktor Risiko Hernia.