Gemblong Bogor. PDF fileCibereum Village Cisarua District Bogor Regency (a case study on the “Gemblong” business group in Cibereum Village Cisarua District Bogor Regency) Development of increased innovation and digital marketing during the Covid 19 pandemic is carried out so that business players who The majority are classified as businesses that are threatened with closure due to the inability to.

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Gemblong is a sweet treat made of glutinous rice and coconut with the palm sugar coating It is one of Indonesian traditional Jajanan Pasar you canRecipe Instructions Mix the glutinous rice flour rice flour desiccated coconut and salt in a mixing bowlAdd in the slaked lime waterThen put in the water Mix thoroughly and knead until you get a smooth and notsticky doughTake a tablespoon of the dough shape it in a cylinder shape and flatten it into approximately.