Container Open Top. Opentop containers are used for all types of general cargo (dry cargo) Their principal uses are as follows packing and unpacking from above or through the doors by crane or crab tall cargo.

Open top containers have an open top covered by a tarpaulin instead of a solid roof This InternalInternalInternalDoor OpeningDoor OpeningLengthWidthHeightWidthHeight59 m235 m238 m234 m228 m193 ft77 ft78 ft77 ft74 ft.
SEA BOX Open Top Containers
Open Top Containers SEA BOX offers a selection of Open Top ISO Cargo Containers These are designed to simplify the process of loading and unloading cargo by allowing access from above (via crane) or via side doors A selection of hard lids and soft covers are available Consult with a Sea Box Container Expert.
OOCL Open Top
The open top containers have lashing rings so it can keep the cargo stable despite the height and weight of the commodities As with many other containers you can find the open top containers in both 20ft open top and 40ft open top Below you can see the measurements of the open top containers both as 20ft and 40ft.
Open Top Container iContainers
The open top container is one of the most standard international shipping containers It has characteristics that make it particularly unique An open top container is a 20foot or 40foot container with the distinct difference of as its name suggests being open at the top and covered with a tarp whenever possible Location 1444 Biscayne Blvd Suite 221 Miami 33132 FL.
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40' OPEN TOP container: internal and external dimensions
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20 & 40 open top container dimensions for shipping DSV
An open top shipping container is a specialized container used for cargo that needs to be Specifications20’ Unit40’ UnitMAX PAYLOAD67196 lbs58797 lbsTARE WEIGHT4960 lbs8399 lbsCAPACITY1130 ft³2295 ft³INTERNAL LENGTH19’ 4”39’ 6”.