Cannot Open Eyes. For the last few months I have been waking up and cannot open my eyes Not bc they are crusted but bc they feel paralyzed I try to open them and my eye lids don't move It doesn't last long I can get them moving after a few attempts at blinking When I tell my doctors this I think they think I'm nuts.

Since today she is unable to open eyes or not opening eyes last night she was speaking (her speech does not make sense since the stroke) more than ususal Will she be able to open her eyes again Reply Log in to leave feedback 0 0 Link to this post Report abuse Guest over year ago My sister had a stroke in July 2010.
"I Can't Open My Eyes": A Case of Blepharospasm and Apraxia
During spasms patients are unable to open their eyes However once obvious contractions cease patients are able to readily initiate eyelid opening Blepharospasm may occur independently or in association with other disorders of the orofacial muscles (Meige's Syndrome) or cervical muscles (Brüeghel's Syndrome).
Mom cannot open eyes after stroke Nervous System Disorders
I cant open my eyes when I wake! Posted 6 years ago 4 users are following Hi I have suffered from blepharitis for 2 years now I have been having problems with my eyes when i wake for the last 6 months Sometimes the one eye sometimes both I feel as though im tearing my eyes apart when I try to open them I have used eyedrops to no avail.
First Aid Something In Your Eye Kirk Eye Center
Can't open eyelid in the morning Neurology MedHelp
cannot open eyes HealingWell
I cant open my eyes when I wake! Blepharitis Forums Patient
However in January 2008 I woke up and could not open my right eye I also felt dizzy but finally made it to the bathroom Since that time waking up in the middle of the night my right eye will not open then two weeks ago my left eye would not open and my right eye was okay This week the worst happened both eyes would not open.