Bor Radial. Complex LargeBore Radial percutaneous coronary intervention rationale of the COLOR trial study protocol BMJ Open 2020 Jul 20 Methods and analysis A total of 388 patients undergoing complex PCI will be randomised to radial 7 French access with Terumo Glidesheath Slender (Terumo Japan) or femoral 7 French access as comparator The primary outcome is.

as shown recently by the color (complex large‐bore radial pci) trial large‐bore tra with the glidesheath slender 7f (terumo tokyo japan) sheath leads to similar procedural success rates for pci of complex coronary lesions while significantly reducing clinically relevant access site–related complications compared with transfemoral access.
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Extremity Dysfunction After Large‐Bore Radial and Femoral
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Complex LargeBore Radial percutaneous coronary
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Complex LargeBore Radial percutaneous coronary
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Radial Ball Bearings
Bohr Radius Value, Unit, Definition, Formula, Examples
The COLOR(Complex LargeBore Radial Percutaneous Coronary
Bohr Radius: Explanation, Formula, Equation, Units
Mesin bor radial dirancang untuk benda kerja yang berukuran sedang sampai besar Jenis mesin ini memiliki kolom mesin berbentuk bundar yang terikat pada alas yang kuat Kolom ini mendukung lengan radial sehingga dapat menaikkan dan menurunkan meja Hal ini bertujuan untuk menyesuaikan benda kerja yang memiliki ketinggian berbeda Spindle utama terletak.