Bahasa Indonesianya Thank You. Jadi kalian bisa menjawab dengan [you’re welcome] kalau ada yang mengucapkan [thank you] kepada kalian Kalian juga bisa menambahkan kata [very] menjadi You’re very welcome Cuplikan adegan yang berikutnya menggabungkan antara [yeah] dengan [you’re welcome] Baca juga Bahasa Inggrisnya Saya Traktir.

So let’s learn how to say thank you in Bahasa Indonesia! 1 Thank you – Terima kasih Like in any other language terima kasih is a magic word that you surely need to remember to use in any appropriate time possible If you are still struggling to remember longer thank you phrases just keep in mind these two simple words! 2.
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In Bahasa Indonesia ‘thank you’ is simply translated as ‘terima kasih’ which is a compound word (terima = receive kasih = love) However there are many variation of it! Abbreviation of ‘terima kasih’ Indonesian loves to abbreviate its own language Take a look Indonesian Language Abbreviations.
How to Say Thank You in Indonesian Slang Like A Pro
“thank you” bahasa Indonesia terjemahan volume_up thank you adverb terima kasih thank you very much for the cheque terima kasih banyak atas cek itu no thank you (with appropriate body language) terima kasih a thankyou letter surat pernyataan terima kasih Terjemahan EN thank you volume_up thank you volume_up terima kasih more_vert.
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