Alcohol Laws In India. The drunken drinking law in India is governed by Motor Vehicles Act 1988 Section 185 of the Act states that if a person while driving a motor vehicle has a Blood Alcohol Level (BAL) more than 30 mg in terms of 100 ml of blood the said person shall be for the first time of the offence be imprisoned for six months or with fine which may be extend to two thousands or both.

Alcohol is a subject in the State list according to the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India and therefore laws differ from state to state That includes the legal drinking age as well Here’s the minimum drinking age in all the states of India Minimum drinking age – 18 Uttar Pradesh Sikkim Puducherry Karnataka Himachal Pradesh and Goa.
Alcohol laws in India LawFarm
In India those measures will not work as the alcohol consumers have easy access to illicit liquor and substances Other laws related to the regulation of alcoholuse like hours of sale drunken driving and sale to minors are regularly breached Legal drinking age is the minimum age after which a person is allowed to buy alcohol Author V M Anantha Eashwar R Umadevi S GopalakrishnanCited by Publish Year 2020.
Alcohol laws in India – The Law Blog
Author Anubhav PandeyAlcohol is something whose demand and sale does not fall but can rise only with time There are various laws regarding The subject of alcohol is included in the state list under the seventh schedule of the constitution of India Thus the License is needed to sell the alcohol and in some particular states so are the consumers Usually liquor stores pubs In addition to this beaches and houseboats may hate the license to sell alcohol to tourists The sellers.
Alcohol consumption in India– An epidemiological review
Law Alcohol is a subject in the State List under the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India Therefore the laws governing alcohol vary from state to state Liquor in India is generally sold at liquor stores restaurants hotels bars pubs clubs and discos but not online Some states like Kerala and Tamil Nadu prohibit private parties from owning liquor stores making the state.
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Alcohol laws of India Wikipedia
India Age, Drinking laws in Punishment Liquor and Alcohol
Know the alcohol laws right Liquor Laws
All you need to know about Alcohol Laws In India iPleaders
In India there is no uniformity with respect to liquor laws and it varies from one State to another be it the legal drinking age or the laws which regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol These variations in the prices and laws revolving around alcohol are due to the inclusion of the subject of alcohol in the State list which comes under the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India 48/5 (20).